
October 2020 Broadcast

As Florida enters Phase 3, Southwest Orlando Family Medicine, along with the medical community, strongly advises and recommends that you continue to follow COVID-19 safety guidelines, including wearing a mask, frequent hand washing, and social distancing. Caring for ourselves and each other is essential as we work to reopen safely.

For high-risk individuals, including those aged 65 and older with chronic conditions and those with immune concerns, we continue to promote caution in public settings that are not following mask and distancing guidelines.

To meet community and patient demand, Medplex B office is now open. Patients of Dr. Jester, Juliana Caram, and Sandra Rodriguez will be seen at Medplex B.

Southwest Orlando Family Medicine will continue to follow strict health and safety guidelines, including requiring masks for all patients and staff, and our Car Waiting Room check-in process.

COVID-19 Rapid Testing Kits are now available at Southwest Orlando Family Medicine, making it possible for patients to have same-day COVID testing and results administered at our office. We will be sending an update to all patients with more information on Rapid Testing.

Additional Patient Resources

COVID Holiday Safety: Read our recommendations on how you can celebrate the holidays safely this year.

Get Your Flu Shot: Help protect yourself, your family, and your community.

Do Masks Really Work: Our comprehensive resource guide on mask use.

Your Visit Page: Make the most of your appointment with our guides for new and established patients.

TeleHealth Page: Review step-by-step tutorials on how virtual visits work, how to book your appointment, how to participate in a virtual visit, and FAQs.

Self-Pay Membership Page: Are you or a loved one in need of healthcare and currently uninsured? Learn about affordable and easy access to quality healthcare for patients without insurance.